viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Post 2: My best holidays

Hiii! How are you? I`m very good, and today I`m going to talk about my best holidays. It was when I went to Lican Ray, that it`s one town of the south, it`s nearby of Temuco. Lican Ray is little but so homely.

I went the last year in my vacations of summer, because my friend Francisca have home there, and she invited me to go. I was around ten days there, and I was so fun, I enjoyed so much with my friend, because she is cheerful(alegre). We went to walk each day for different places, for example we went to the hill, the square and the streets of the town. Also in Lican Ray there is one beautiful lake, and we went to bathe in the lake almost every days. We went out with your family or alone, but we always found something to do.

I belive that I enjoyed this holidays because all my activities were in the town and they were related  with the natural places of the town, for example I went to bathe, to walk in the hill and somethings I don`t do nothing, but It was perfect for me. So I feel so relax and connected to the place.

I leave you a photo of the lake of Lican Ray, so you can see how this place was. Byeee 

Post 1: I would like to visit Peru

Hi, I`m María Constanza Astorga. Welcome to my English blog. Today I will talk about one country that I want to visit.

During sometime I`ve thought that I would like to visit Peru, because I never have traveled to another country and I believe that it would be better to visit Latino America in the first place.

I`ve saw some photos and it`s so beautiful, because there are natural places and also there they have the ruins of Machu pichu, it means the old mountain, and it`s around 2490 meters above sea level. 

So I want to go this ruins to tour the place, because it`s a unique experience. Also I could visit the Moray and Sacsayhuanán, that are others important places in Peru, they are archeological places and They have a spiritual meaning for the Peruvian culture.

So I would like go to enjoy this country in my vacations but I wouldn`t go to live there, only I would like enjoy of this its natural wonders.

I hope that you enjoy my post, I'll see you soon. Here there are some photos of the places that I mentioned to you